Monday, December 13, 2010

of course we need a new food pyramid

david getoff

summary from bottom up:
1. vegetables
2. eggs, animal fat, milk, yogurt, cream
3. olive oil, nut oil, avocado oil, butter
4. nuts or seeds (not cooked or roasted or baked) or nut butters
5. dried beans such as lentils, pinto, garbanzo--always w a meal w fats
6. actual whole grains (not whole grain bread, etc)
7. raw fruit the size of a medium apple- 0 to 4 per day if you have no condition affected by sugar
8. processed grains - cold cereal, popcorn, etc
9. recreational drugs-sugar/cookies/alcohol - 0 to 5 times per month

Other tips that he gives...

A study done in Europe showed that micro waving changes the molecular structure of foods, making them depressive to the immune system, therefore I highly advise against the consumption of foods cooked defrosted or re-heated in a microwave if you are trying to improve your health and immune system.

All foods made from any kind of flour should be reduced as much as possible, or eliminated. This includes whole wheat breads as well as all cakes, cookies pastas, etc. If you insist on eating pasta, make it a whole grain Aspelt@ pasta and eat as little pasta and as much vegetable/tomato sauce as possible. The body converts flour products into sugars very rapidly, and cancer feeds on this sugar. Let=s feed the healthy cells and not the cancer. Also eliminate all Apopped@ or Apuffed@ grains as these may be even worse. If you must eat a piece of bread per day (not more!) than make it Ezekiel bread from Food for Life.

All foods cooked in any type of deep fat fryer whether fast food or at a fancy restaurant. In other words no French fries, onion rings, tempura, fried zucchini, etc. (ask me how to make healthy ones). No chips unless they are baked, not fried, (and contain NO added oils) and keep that to an absolute minimum since they are made from flour.

Eliminate any food which contains any Apartially hydrogenated@ oil of any kind.
Do not use standard types or brands of vegetable oils, only Flora and Omega brand unless it is extra virgin olive oil. All oils must be refrigerated! Use Omega Oils- Catalog 1-800-661-3529

No ordinary poultry, red meats, or standard eggs. Use only those, which were antibiotic and hormone free from birth to death and raised on diets as close as possible to their natural diets. San Diego residents may purchase top quality beef and chicken from Wrights Poultry at 1043 Broadway in Chula Vista (improving your health IS NOT be convenient!)
New Zealand beef from the Whole Foods Market is also excellent as is Shelton=s chicken from Jimbo=s Naturally in Del Mar and Escondido.

No canned foods, and frozen only if necessary. Fresh live foods whenever possible.
No fruit juices because they are concentrated sugars and are just as bad as a candy bar.
No store bought mayonnaise, they are all made from very bad and rancid oils
No regular table salt. Use only special (non-white) French Sea salt 1-800-903-SALT



Fresh vegetables raw or cooked No limit, eat lots of non-starchy vegetables! and season them however you like them best. (Most spices are very healthy especially ginger and turmeric and all fresh herbs). Cooked vegetables are often digested more easily by people with cancer than raw vegetables, unless the raw ones are juiced.

Raw fresh fruit should be reduced as much as possible, however an apple a day or a portion of fresh berries is fine as long as it is not strawberries.

Beans, always soaked over night first and eaten in small quantities. Neither grains nor beans should be a dominant food source but rather may be added in small quantities if desired. They contain a lot of starch which converts to sugar. adzuki, pinto, kidney, great northern, etc. DO NOT EAT ANY SOY PRODUCTS EXCEPT THOSE THAT STATE ON THE LABEL THAT THEY HAVE BEEN EITHER FERMENTED OR AGED! (Miso, tempeh and natto are good, but tofu, soy milk and soy cheeses are bad) for more information go to

Whole large grains, always soaked overnight, such as spelt, kamut, barley. Small grains need not be soaked such as amaranth, quinoa, and teff. Some of the most nutritious grains appear to be teff, quinoa and amaranth. Barley converts to sugar very slowly and is therefore also an excellent grain. In general, grains should not be consumed as a main food but rather as a small portion, if desired, along with your plate full of healthy vegetables, properly raised animal protein and good fats and oils.

Eggs are fine as long as you buy San Pasqual, Shelton's, or a free range preferably organic egg. They may be cooked separately or added to any other food. Poached or boiled. For frying use coconut butter, or ghee. (Coconut butter only from Omega Nutrition). Eggs should be from vegetarian fed hens and be free of hormones and antibiotics. (New Zealand eggs may also be fine). The free range ones get the additional benefit of eating some of the insects that are part of their natural diet.

Cook beef as rare as possible. The best is the New Zealand Beef and the beef from Wrights mentioned above. These are both from pasture fed animals and NOT grain or corn fed. Rare beef has a great deal more nutrition and is also much easier to digest than beef cooked medium or more.

Pasteurized milk has had all of its health benefits destroyed by heating, so the only good quality milk is Organic Pastures7 Claravale7 whole Raw milk available only in San Diego, LA, and Orange counties. If you MUST drink a pasteurized milk, use Horizon Organic and use only whole milk, but the RAW is far- far better. Use foods as presented by nature, every time humans change them, we make them less healthy.

Good quality organic plain Whole Milk yoghurt is OK if you have no problem with dairy products. You may sweeten it with stevia and add a small amount of fresh cut up berries for added flavor.

Acceptable oils for any kind of cooking or sauteeing are limited to Ghee, raw sweet butter, or coconut or sesame oil from either OmegaJ, or FloraJ Omega may be ordered at 1- 800-661-3529

For oils which will not be cooked such as for making salad dressing, or on some very occasional pasta or bread, use extra virgin olive oil, flax seed oil, sunflower oil, pistachio oil, walnut oil, or a combination. Always use unfiltered raw apple cider vinegar when making your own salad dressings.



The two best drinks are water and fresh carrot juice. (Must be raw and NOT pasteurized)
Okay once in a while would be a soda made by you, from seltzer or club soda with a small amount of some good quality fresh juice like unfiltered apple added maybe with a twist of fresh lemon or lime and stevia for added sweetness. A Fresh lemon or lime may be squeezed into your daily water for added benefit if you like. Much better would be to make the “soda” from Gerolsteiner sparkling water with Stevita brand flavoring powder added. 1-888-STEVITA

Never eat within 2 2 hours of bedtime
Stevia, a special herb, is acceptable as a sweetener. (Different brands taste differently)

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